A new beginning – Carpe Diem Academy
713 Woody Street, Wingate Park, Pretoria

A new beginning

In March 2020 it was time for Mr. George, the principal, to retire and hang up his tie in his Cupboard. Johan and Ingrid van Zyl took over as directors at the school, where Mrs. Ingrid was part of the staff for some time. Johan and Ingrid have a lot of passion and believe that the school can truly give a multitude of learners the chance to reach new heights and live out their full potential.

With Mr. Jacques Plaisier, the new principal and co-director, there is no end to the potential that learners can reach at the school.

Carpé Diem Academy was bought by George and Marina Moorcroft in 2006 with only a handful of learners. The school grew rapidly and expanded to a well-known school in the community. The school is known for the passion and love that each of the staff is giving to assist learners despite their barriers and potential learning challenges, to achieve their full potential. Learners who cannot operate comfortably in a mainstream classroom, find their feet quickly and crawl into every staff member’s heart.

Carpé Diem Academy is in 2006 deur George en Marina Moorcroft gekoop met slegs ‘n handjie vol leerders. Die skool het vinnig gegroei en uitgebrei tot ‘n bekende skool in die gemeenskap. Die skool is bekend vir die passie en liefde wat elkeen van die personeel uitleef om leerders by te staan om, ten spyte van hul hindernisse en moontlike leeruitdagings, hul volle potensiaal te bereik. Leerders wat nie gemaklik kan funksioneer in ‘n hoofstroom klaskamer nie, vind baie gou hul voete en kruip in elke personeellid se hart in.

In Maart 2020 was dit tyd vir Mnr George, die skoolhoof, om uit te tree en sy das in sy kas te bêre. Johan en Ingrid van Zyl het as direkteure oorgeneem by die skool, waar mev Ingrid vir ‘n geruime tyd deel van die personeel was. Johan en Ingrid het ‘n baie groot passie en glo dat die skool waarlik vir menigte leerders die kans kan gee om nuwe hoogtes te bereik en hulle volle potensiaal uit te leef. Saam met Mnr Jacques Plaisier, die nuwe skoolhoof en mede-direkteur, is daar geen einde aan die potensiaal wat leerders by die skool kan bereik nie

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